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Published May 10th, 2023 by TC Decks

Ground screws are a game-changer for the decking industry

I wanted to share my experience with ground screws as a game-changing solution for deck footings. I was skeptical at first, but after trying them out, I was impressed with their strength, versatility, and ease of installation.

Here are some key advantages to using ground screws:

Versatility: Ground screws can be used for virtually any application that requires columns, posts, or beams. They are suitable for decks, fencing, solar arrays, light standards, bollards, gazebos, garden sheds, houses, and many more.

Load Capacity: The size of ground screw you need is determined by the load requirements of your project. The AGS Load Chart can help you determine the appropriate size for your specific project.

Connection Type: The type of ground screw you choose depends on the connection to your structure. If you need to insert a pipe into the ground screw and build the structure off the pipe, you'll want to use an open-top screw like Model 3. If you need to connect to columns, posts, beams, or other components, you can use a flange design. There are several flat and U-flange models available, and custom manufacturing options are also available.

Code Compliance: American Ground Screws are nationally code compliant for uses listed in section 2.0 of our ICC-ES Evaluation Report (ESR-4226). They are designed to transfer axial compression, axial tension, and lateral loads from the supported structures to the surrounding soil. When American Ground Screws are installed under the IRC, an engineered design is required in accordance with IRC R301.1.3. As with any building product, your local code official will determine if American Ground Screws are an acceptable foundation system for your specific project when you submit your permit application.

Frost Depth: To ensure proper performance, it's important to install ground screws so that at least two-thirds of the screw threads are below the code-recognized frost level in your area.

Utility Marking: Call 811 at least a few days prior to installation to notify utility companies that have potential facilities in the area of your intent to dig. Each affected utility company will send a locator to mark the approximate location of your underground utility lines. It is recommended to install ground screws at least 18 inches from either side of marked lines.

Installation Equipment: Smaller screws can be installed manually with rebar or a metal rod inserted through the holes at the top of the ground screw, depending on soil conditions. For larger ground screws, low-speed, high-torque rotary drivers are required. Our installation section has more information.

Obstructions: Ground screws can typically handle difficult soil conditions such as rocky or cobbled soil and areas with tree roots. In some cases, pre-drilling may be necessary. Our installation section has more information.

Reusability: Ground screws can be removed and reused by turning them counterclockwise. However, it's important to inspect the threads and galvanization for damage before reuse.

Durability: Our ground screws are hot-dip galvanized to 75 microns in thickness, which should last between 50 and 100 years, depending on soil conditions. They are not recommended for use in soils where the pH is less than 5.5. We offer a 20-year warranty on our screws, and they often outlast the structure placed on them.

In summary, ground screws offer several advantages over traditional concrete footings, including versatility, load capacity, code compliance, frost depth, utility marking, installation equipment, obstructions, reusability, and durability. If you are interested in using ground screws for your next outdoor project, give TC Decks a call for a quote.

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